Lone Star

by James McClure

Lone Star had 2 performances over 29 years ago (between the 2nd of March 1995 and the 5th of April 1995) at Croydon and Cecil Hepworth Playhouse


Director - Judith Dolley

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Stage Manager - Mary Eades


Continuity - Frankie Godliman

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Lighting - Malcolm Meades

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Lighting (Assistant) - Frances Meades


Set Design and Construction - Brian Walters


Set Design and Construction - John Godliman

Runners up Elmbridge Festival - 1995
Best Actor Adam Roberts Elmbridge Festival - 1995
Technical Excellence Elmbridge Festival - 1995
Best Stage Crew Elmbridge Festival - 1995
Best Single Sex Play Elmbridge Festival - 1995
Runners Up South Divisional Final - 1995
Best Stage Crew South Divisional Final - 1995